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Airwolf 3D Printer AW3D V.5 + 1 LB Filament Assembled Prusa Reprap Repstrap おもちゃ

Airwolf 3D Printer AW3D V.5 + 1 LB Filament Assembled Prusa Reprap Repstrap おもちゃ Airwolf 3D Printer AW3D V.5 + 1 LB Filament Assembled Prusa Reprap Repstrap おもちゃ Airwolf 3D Printer AW3D V.5 + 1 LB Filament Assembled Prusa Reprap Repstrap おもちゃ

【商品名】Airwolf 3D Printer AW3D V.5 + 1 LB Filament Assembled Prusa Reprap Repstrap おもちゃ【カテゴリー】おもちゃ:電子玩具・キッズ家電【商品説明】Airwolf 3D Printer AW3D V.5 + 1 LB Filament Assembled Prusa Reprap Repstrap おもちゃ (並行輸入)Turn your 3D models and CAD drawings into real objects Clear and open design - enables easy access to print bed Much, much easier to use, maintain, and set up than the standard repraps Prints faster and more accurate than comparable priced 3d printers For the tinkerer, serious engineer, mechanic, artist, student, hobbyist, inventor 

  • 商品価格:479,490円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0


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